We’ve Changed Our Name to Oceantic Network. Here’s Why.

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Oceantic Network

Business Network for Offshore Wind rebrands to Oceantic Network and embraces ocean renewables.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Does your name change mean you’re no longer focused on offshore wind?  

    • Offshore wind will remain the primary focus of the Network. However, we are expanding our scope to grow and adapt as the industry does the same. Offshore wind is the gateway to other ocean renewables, including green hydrogen, wave, tidal, and more.
  • Do you now represent all offshore energy industries?

    • No. The Network remains committed to supporting the adoption of offshore renewable energy. As we grow to reflect the focus of the offshore wind industry and our members, we are expanding our scope to include only other ocean renewable energies that rely on offshore wind infrastructure, such as wave, tidal, hydrogen.
  • Will your adoption of other ocean renewables start immediately?  

    Our representation of other ocean renewable technologies will mirror where they are in the development and implementation stage; all will require a robust offshore wind industry, but research and implementation are in their infancy.

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