Partnership of 10 states has been leading on transmission and grid expansion efforts with the Department of Energy
For Immediate Release: July 10, 2024
Media Contact: Luke Jeanfreau | [email protected] | 504-302-8079
BALTIMORE — The Oceantic Network, the leading organization working to advance offshore wind and other ocean renewable industries and their supply chains, applauds the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Northeast states agreeing to formalize their collaboration on transmission development. Among other provisions, the MoU details the importance of identifying and integrating shared priorities into planning processes, seeking both policy and programmatic support from the federal government, and creating technical standards for offshore wind transmission facilities.
Last September, nine Northeast states signed an MoU with the Departments of Energy, Interior, Commerce, and Transportation to collaborate on offshore wind supply chain development across the region. That action followed the 2022 establishment of the Federal-state Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership, which listed supply chain development as a future focus area.
The following statement can be attributed to Sam Salustro, vice president of strategic communication at Oceantic Network:
The Network welcomes the formalization of Northeast states’ transmission collaborative partnership and encourages state leaders to continue building momentum on this critical issue. Planned and coordinated transmission development is the key to unlocking offshore wind deployment at scale and today’s MoU is an important step to building a stable pipeline of projects that incentivizes greater supply chain investment. States are the key decision makers in advancing this issue, and with greater federal support, can bring forth bold, forward-looking solutions that cross state and transmission authority lines.
Additional Information:
For more information or to arrange an interview with the Network, contact Luke Jeanfreau at [email protected] or 504-302-8079.
As a non-profit organization, the Oceantic Network’s driving purpose is to inform, coordinate, and mobilize human ingenuity, enterprise, and labor to take advantage of the urgent need to tap the vast offshore wind and renewable energy resources that lie in the world’s oceans. The collective, coordinated efforts of our 600+ members equip communities and nations to accelerate the transition to clean energy and create economic opportunities.