Oceantic Network will recognize Lefton for her leadership ushering in U.S. offshore wind at its third annual Ventus Gala on November 9 in Boston
For Immediate Release: September 14, 2023
Media Contact: Luke Jeanfreau | [email protected] | 504-302-8079
BALTIMORE – Oceantic Network, the leading non-profit working to develop offshore wind and build a dedicated supply chain in the United States, today announced former Director of the Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Amanda Lefton as its Heronemus Award for Outstanding Achievement in Offshore Wind recipient. Ms. Lefton will receive the award and be honored at the annual Ventus Gala in recognition of her ambitious leadership that catapulted the development of the U.S. offshore wind industry.
The annual Ventus Gala brings together the global offshore wind community to celebrate the industry’s collective accomplishments as well as honor the leaders and innovators who inspire the industry with ingenuity and confidence. In its third year, ten other Ventus Award winners will be recognized as part of the 2023 Ventus Gala in Boston on November 9. The Heronemus Award, named in honor of William Edward Heronemus (1920 – 2002), known as the “father of modern wind power,” is the highest award given by the Business Network and recognizes an individual who has contributed significantly to the expansion of offshore wind energy.
“It was an honor to serve as the Director of BOEM under Secretary Haaland’s leadership and alongside the incredible career staff to advance offshore wind to fight climate change, create good paying jobs and create new economic opportunity,” said Lefton. “The work to advance President Biden’s agenda continues under Director Klein. Thank you to the Network for this gracious recognition and their partnership to establish a strong, domestic supply chain right here in the U.S.”
Under Lefton’s leadership, BOEM led the development and implementation of the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious offshore wind goals of 30 GW by 2030 and 15 GW of floating wind energy by 2035. Her work with the administration helped establish the Federal-State Offshore Wind Implementation Partnership and BOEM’s leasing path forward strategy to achieve wind energy targets. While Lefton served as the director, BOEM issued environmental approval to the first two utility-scale offshore wind projects in the U.S., conducted three lease auctions (New York Bight – the first in four years – North Carolina, and California) and advanced four others, and moved more than a dozen additional offshore wind projects through the federal review process.
“The Network and the industry celebrate Director Lefton’s tireless and admirable work at BOEM along with her passion and commitment to the U.S. offshore wind industry,” said Liz Burdock, president and CEO of Oceantic Network. “Under her leadership, the federal government took unprecedented steps to bolster the industry including setting a national goal and creating the leasing certainty required to foster billions of dollars in supply chain investments.”
The Ventus Awards are the offshore wind industry’s highest level of professional recognition, celebrating the trailblazing people, companies, organizations, and work worldwide ushering in the global adoption of offshore wind energy. Awards are presented in 11 categories, including two new categories this year: Offshore Wind Trailblazer and Supply Chain Advancement-Public Sector. To purchase tickets to the 2023 Ventus Gala or to learn more about the Ventus Awards, eligibility criteria, and selection committee, please visit www.ventusawards.com.
Additional Information:
If you are a member of the press interested in attending the event, please contact Luke Jeanfreau at [email protected] or 504-302-8079.
As a non-profit organization, Oceantic Network’s driving purpose is to inform, coordinate, and mobilize human ingenuity, enterprise, and labor to take advantage of the urgent need to tap the vast offshore wind and renewable energy resources that lie in the world’s oceans. The collective, coordinated efforts of our 600+ members equip communities and nations to accelerate the transition to clean energy and create economic opportunities.