BOEM releases draft wind areas that include first East Coast floating lease areas
For Immediate Release: November 16, 2022
Media Contact: Melinda Skea | [email protected] | 202-709-9793
BALTIMORE — The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) today released eight draft Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in the Central Atlantic, the next step in a process that will lead to new offshore wind deployment on the East Coast. As it worked through its deconflicting process, BOEM retained approximately half of previously identified areas along the Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina Coast, including areas that will require floating turbine technology. BOEM further delineated the remaining area into primary and secondary areas. Each state has set significant clean energy goals, including Maryland which has required 50 percent of its energy to come from renewable energy sources by 2030. Each state is already seeing significant supply chain activity with investments targeted for four manufacturing facilities constructing the foundations, towers, cables, and blades of an offshore wind farm.
The following statement can be attributed to Sam Salustro, vice president of Strategic Communications at Oceantic Network:
“The advancement of new lease areas in the Central Atlantic is a major milestone for the U.S. offshore wind industry as a second wave of fixed bottom and a first for floating projects are now within view. Central Atlantic states have set bold clean energy goals and are turning to offshore wind as a reliable, abundant, and affordable source that will form the backbone of their future energy mix. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management preserved only 50 percent of available wind resources for offshore wind deployment, and it is critical these areas, primary and secondary, remain as intact as possible to fulfill states’ long-term energy demands. The advancement of the full lease areas in the Central Atlantic will further bolster a budding manufacturing supply chain from Paulsboro, New Jersey to Baltimore and Hampton Roads, Virginia and will lead to the genesis of a robust Atlantic Coast floating offshore wind supply chain.”
More information:
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Press Release
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Map of Draft Wind Energy Areas
Oceantic Network is the largest non-profit organization dedicated solely to building a robust offshore wind supply chain and expanding adoption of offshore wind energy. It advances the industry through collaboration, education, and innovation, including the International Offshore Wind Partnering Forum (IPF), the leading offshore wind conference in North America, and the OSW Market Dashboard. Learn more at