Actions will strengthen emerging U.S. supply chain and East Coast manufacturing hubs
For Immediate Release: April 27, 2022
Media Contact: Melinda Skea | [email protected] | 202-709-9793
Atlantic City – Today at the annual International Partnering Forum (IPF) hosted by the Oceantic Network, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Director Amanda Lefton announced that BOEM and the United States Department of Interior are taking new actions to advance offshore wind development off the Oregon Coast and in the Central Atlantic. This “call” is the next step for delineating new areas for future offshore wind leasing and represents a first for Oregon and a second wave of development in the Central Atlantic. Last fall, BOEM announced it would advance seven new lease areas by 2025 including new markets in the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico.
The following statement can be attributed to Liz Burdock, CEO and Founder of the Oceantic Network:
“With offshore wind, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to power our homes with clean energy, support new job creation across the nation, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. BOEM’s announcement at IPF will advance these wind areas in new and established markets and support a strong, sustainable supply chain of American businesses. Today’s actions build further trust in the U.S. market, which is critical to driving investments in U.S. manufacturing, shipbuilding, and small business growth. Opening new lease areas in the Central Atlantic will spark a second wave of domestic offshore wind development and bolster an emerging manufacturing core in places like Hampton Roads and Baltimore, and in Oregon, where the power of offshore wind can be unleashed along on the West Coast.”
For more information or to arrange an interview with the Network, contact Melinda Skea at [email protected] or 202-709-9793.
Additional Information:
The Oceantic Network is the largest non-profit organization dedicated solely to building a robust offshore wind supply chain and expanding adoption of offshore wind energy. It advances the industry through collaboration, education, and innovation, including the International Partnering Forum (IPF), the leading offshore wind conference in North America, and the OSW Market Dashboard. Learn more at