First IPF Virtual takes place April 22 and will focus on areas for industry growth, how it will help combat climate change and steps to ensure diversity and inclusion
For Immediate Release: April 21, 2021
Media Contact: Melinda Skea | [email protected] | 202-709-9793
BALTIMORE – The Oceantic Network’s 2021 International Partnering Forum (IPF) begins tomorrow with its first virtual session focused on industry expansion. This year, IPF includes three virtual sessions, taking place in April, May, and June, and culminates in IPF Together, an in-person event happening August 24-26 in Richmond, Virginia. The April event, taking place as part of Earth Day, will feature industry experts who will explore where the offshore wind energy industry has progressed into 2021. Session speakers will also focus on the opportunities available to businesses as the industry experiences renewed focus from the Biden Administration and is championed by state governments along the U.S. coasts (full program below.)
The half-day IPF Virtual: Expansion begins at 9:30 a.m. EDT on Thursday, April 22 and also launches the Network’s trademark WindMatch networking sessions. It will feature a message from Virginia’s Honorable Secretary Brian Ball, government representatives, as well as experts who will discuss combating climate change through decarbonization, ensuring equity and inclusion as the supply chain grows, and project updates from Dominion Energy and Equinor. Attendees will also have multiple networking opportunities throughout the event to connect with fellow participants through the Video Chat rooms.
The virtual sessions were created to provide a critical platform for federal agencies to provide updates on policy advancements and regulation formulation, which ensures attendees receive the time-sensitive information they need to make strategic business decisions for the future. Registration to the IPF Virtual events is included in IPF Together registration or can be purchased separately. The 2021 IPF will also feature tour options of the Virginia Ports and CVOW project as well as networking events like WindMatch™ one-on-one networking appointments. Virtual WindMatch appointments will be open for both IPF Virtual and IPF Together attendees. Registrants can set up meetings virtually through August 23 when WindMatch will move to in-person throughout IPF Together.
IPF Virtual: Expansion Program
Presented by the Oceantic Network
For press credentials, contact Melinda Skea at [email protected].
Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 9:55 – 2:00 p.m. EDT
Full program available here
Pre-Event Networking
9:30 a.m. EDT
Welcome & Introduction
9:55 a.m. EDT
A Message from Virginia: The Honorable Secretary Brian Ball
10:00 a.m. EDT
Now is the Time: Opportunities in the U.S. Offshore Wind Market
10:05 a.m. EDT
2021 is a landmark year for offshore wind (OSW) in the United States. State and federal support for offshore wind is opening key market opportunities. Keynote speaker Bill White, VP of Offshore Wind at Avangrid Renewables, will highlight the latest breaking developments for industry and supply chain growth important to your business.
Combatting Climate Change: Offshore Wind’s Contribution to Decarbonization
10:20 a.m. EDT
Decarbonization is a major goal for many state governments. Offshore wind can and must play a significant role in delivering a carbon-neutral energy grid. Translating the technical language of how offshore wind plays a key role in decarbonization is essential when pitching projects to local officials. Expert guest speakers, Charles Haskell from Lloyd’s Register and Andy Price from Competitive Energy Services, will provide an overview of significant national conversations about decarbonization and the ways offshore wind expansion will contribute to achieving long-term clean energy goals.
Networking Break
10:45 a.m. EDT
Ensuring Equity: MWBE Inclusion in the Offshore Wind Supply Chain
sponsored by Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
11:00 a.m. EDT
Network Break
11:45 a.m. EDT
Developer Town Hall: Equinor
Noon p.m. EDT
Join us for the second Developer Town Hall with Equinor’s Elisabeth Treseder. As the company’s New England Market Lead, Elisabeth will discuss Equinor’s projects and business plans for the remainder of 2021.
Developer Town Hall: Dominion Energy
12:15 p.m. EDT
The Network’s Developer Town Hall series provides an opportunity for IPF attendees to hear directly from offshore wind developers about the status and progress of U.S. projects. Our first Developer Town Hall is with Dominion Energy. Tune in to hear an update from Dominion Energy about the CVOW, the commercial project, and other offshore wind activities.
NEW! U.S. Expansions Market
12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EDT
Join BOEM panelists Doug Boren and Tershara Matthews, who will provide insight into important industry announcements and provide a preview of IPF Virtual: First 100 Days of the Biden Administration event, taking place May 13.
For press credentials, contact Melinda Skea at [email protected].
Additional information:
- IPF Virtual webpage
- IPF Together website